Home sweet home

Our first home rental in Costa Rica


So we found a place to stay, at least for a while. We are still hoping to find a bigger place (actually, we may have found that place already, I’ll explain a little later). We just got our high speed internet connection setup this afternoon.
For now we have rented a good sized Tico style home with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. We moved in Monday (yesterday). We bought a washer, dryer, and sectional sofa with sleeper bed on Saturday. We also ordered a dining room table, queen bed, bunk beds, and TV stand from a furniture maker in Sarchi. However, these won’t arrive for a couple of weeks. In the mean time, we have borrowed a folding table and five plastic chairs so we don’t have to eat on the floor. We also borrowed some pots and pans and plates to get us buy until our stuff arrives from the US.
Did I mention that we have high speed internet, yet? Forgive me, but I’m a little excited about that! Karen, at this moment, is speaking to her sister Rosilee on our vonage line! If anyone wants to give us call, please do so (801-785-8197).
Here’s a picture of one of our bathroom with the “suicide” shower:IMG_4315

This bathroom is affectionately known as the “girl’s bathroom.” I’m not sure why.
I’m afraid we didn’t get much sleep last night. There are a LOT of dogs, cats, chickens, roosters, turkeys, cows, goats, and maybe a few sheep hidden in and around the neighboring yards. While the neighborhood is fairly quiet during the day, the dogs seem to come alive at night and take great delight in barking incessantly all night long. Not to be out done, the roosters join in and crow all night long. I swear after a while the dogs started trying to mimic the “cock-a-doodle-do”ing of the roosters, or maybe the sleep depravation was playing tricks on me.
I almost forgot… we may have found a bigger place to stay. We had heard about a house where the owners ran out of money before it was completed. We  heard that it might be available for purchase for a really cheap price. Even though we are not in the market to purchase, Karen kept nagging (I mean encouraging) me to go take a look. Finally, I succumbed to this “encouragement” and we went on a little drive to find said house. We did in deed find it, but in the process discovered that the owners are actually living in it. Then, in an uncharacteristic move on Karen’s part, she suggested we drive around. We did so and ended up meeting a very nice couple from Germany and Australia (she’s from Germany, he’s from Australia). They are renting a very nice home, but are planning to move out in December. They gave us a tour of the place, and it looks like it would work well for us.

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