
Driving in CR is quite an experience. Here are some interesting facts.

Washed out road in Puriscal
  1. Road Damage – If a road becomes damaged as in the photo at left, it may or may not be fixed. When this road collapsed, an alternate route was selected that goes over a dirt road and simply bypasses the problem area. When half of a road collapses, it is common for the government to put up a yield sign and simply turn that section into a one way road.
  2. Pedestrians – Cars always have the right of way. Pedestrians wishing to cross the street will often step out into the street (very close to being in the path of traffic), and wait for the opportunity to cross. This includes standing between lanes of traffic. Since there are very few side walks in CR, it is common to see people walking along the side of the road or even in the middle of the road. You must always be alert to the possibility of people walking in the road.
  3.  Freeways – Busses stop on the freeway to pick up and drop off passengers. People cross the freeway on foot! Bicycles ride on the shoulders of the freeway. The nice new freeway has toll booths known as peajes. This is because a company from Spain was contracted to finish the freeway after the government tried to do it several times and failed. The Spanish company now is able to collect tolls to pay for the upkeep of the freeway.
  4.  Passing – It is acceptable to pass anytime anywhere. Blind curves are not a problem. In city traffic it is not uncommon to see three lanes of traffic where only two lanes actually exist. If there is a long line a traffic that is not moving, people will drive on the wrong side of the road to get around it.
  5.  Motorcycles – Motorcycle drivers are even crazier than car drivers. They often swerve in and out of traffic and can pass on the left or the right side of you. You must always be watching for them.
  6.  Stopping – It is very common for people to stop in the middle of the road for just about any reason; to talk to a friend, to run into a store, or even to talk on the cell phone.

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