Marcelina’s House – days 3-5

After a long break, we were finally able to get back to construction. It was decided that it would be much better if the house was a little bigger so that there could be a little more space in the bedrooms. Elder Ampuero and Elder Marsh came and helped for a few hours. Gerardo, Wilfrido and I worked until 1 or 2 in the afternoon. We dug a trench along one side of the concrete slab to protect the house from sliding down the hill. When then made the rebar framework to go in the concrete footings and up through the cement blocks. We mixed the concrete by hand, and poured the footing. This was on Thursday.

On Friday we went into San Jose to do some shopping and to show the car to someone who might buy it. This left Wilfrido alone to work on the house. He did an amazing job and got the cement block walls put in all by himself.

On Saturday Wilfrido took Harley (his son) and Jonathan (a friend) with him, and they mixed and poured the rest of the concrete floor for the house.

We are now ready to start building the walls.

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